
Lodging Logistics offers hotels a FREE web-based service which allows individual properties to respond to multiple RFPs without having to re-enter data. These tools even allow hotels to create responses to RFPs in the GBTA format for companies that are not clients of Lodging Logistics. Hotels are able to track the status of RFPs and update and make changes to their profile at any time. This service also allows hotels to view a comprehensive, detailed company profile including room night production for each company.


  • Easy-to-use web-based tools
  • Respond to RFPs in the GBTA format
  • Track acceptance status of RFPs
  • Update/change hotel profile at any time
  • View detailed company profiles, including room night production
  • Pre-populated property information when loaded into Lodging Logistics' database
  • Respond to multiple bids with one hotel profile


Do I have to download software to use your tools?

Will I be charged for use of your system?
What if my National Sales Office uses an RFP outsourcing company?

Lodging Logistics will process electronic RFP forms submitted by hotels in any format provided your NSO and outsourcing company provide data fields.

Subscription Information

Hotels can use the ProLodgic Collaboration Environment free of charge. If your hotel is not currently in our database, please email support to be included:
Prolodgic Support