Lodging Logistics

Lodging Logistics principal business is to deliver best in class online hotel procurement tools.  Our procurement suite of tools includes data consolidation and analysis, sourcing strategy development,  a collaborative online RFP process,  a real-time on line directory, and GDS rate audits. The combination of these tools ensures the highest Return-On-Investment for hotel programs. Our total suite of tools automates each step of the RFP and hotel program process as follows: 

  • Solicitation list and company data can be electronically uploaded or entered directly on-line into ProLodgic.
  • All RFPs are sent, received, responded to, renegotiated, accepted and/or rejected electronically.
  • Online Renegotiation is completely automated in ProLodgic.  Renegotiation can be accomplished using a drop-down menu to describe the reason for re-negotiation, or a free-text description to explain what you are looking for in the renegotiation.
  • Automated notifications are generated throughout the RFP process notifying hotels and chains of bids, renegotiation requests and acceptance status. In addition, the following features are built-in to the ProLodgic tools.  
  • Weighted Seasonal Average–Compare seasonal rates side-by-side with flat year-round rates using seasonally weighted average rates. Automatically highlighted in red allowing you to quickly determine which rates have been returned with multiple seasonal rates.
  • BidScore Parameters – Customize your parameters for scoring bids to facilitate the review process.  Parameters can be designated by rate, security and amenities that are most important for the success of your program.  ProLodgic automatically scores the bid in a red, yellow, green view to quickly review your bids.   
  • Market Manager- Compile and maintain a listing of all cities/markets, including estimated room night production, average length of stay, number of primary hotels in your program for that market, estimated total hotel spend, and primary travel reason.
  • Real-Time Online electronic directory – Our online directory is available to linking to your internal intranet site and updates in real-time for your travelers to have access to your preferred hotels and the amenities you negotiated.  Our directory includes Microsoft Virtual Mapping for accurate location and directions to your facilities.
  • GDS Rate Audit Management, Audit and Benchmark Service –Among the recent product innovations are the Lodging Logistics GDS Rate Load Management Technology.  Our process is a new concept in rate loading that provides our clients with more control and increases compliance to booking rates at the negotiated prices.  Our GDS Channel Management technology ensures your rates are loaded, accurate and accessible the entire year to maximize your hotel program return-on-investment.  We provide correction and resolution of those identified properties.  Also included with this service is a benchmark rate for each hotel in your program.